SVCC Committee

SVCC members’ input matters!

All club members are free to attend committee meetings to have their say on any matter.

If you can’t make a committee meeting and have an opinion about something that is going to be discussed, please send your thoughts to a committee member – your opinion will be raised and discussed. And if you want something added to the agenda, just let a committee member know before a meeting.

It’s your club if you have paid your subs.

Committee members’ contact details

Committee Member Email Phone
Club President Robert Latchem 01761 433 377
Club Chairman David Parker-Bastable 07768 615696
Club Secretary Elaine Riddle 01761 417890
Club Captain Nic Meadows 07759 295967
Club Treasurer Jacqui Pritchard 07905 737987
Time Trial Secretary Vacant  
Social Rides Secretary Vacant  
Membership Secretary Marc Riddle 07535 509908
Club Welfare Officer Guy 07721 182359
Public Relations Victoria Ratcliffe 07969 676539
Website Enquiries    

Constitution documentation


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