Children’s Go-Ride Cycle Races at Westfield Primary School

May 19, 2018 @ 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Westfield Primary School
Radstock BA3 3XX

Children invited to Go-Ride cycle races at Westfield Primary School

Somer Valley Cycling Club (SVCC) is inviting children aged 7-11 (Years 4 to 6) to a morning of free cycle coaching and fun racing at Westfield Primary School on Saturday, 19th May 2018.

Children are being encouraged to come along to the British Cycling registered Go-Ride race event to learn what is involved with cycle racing and take part in two races to be held on the school grounds, in a traffic-free environment.

The event starts at 9.30am and runs until midday. All types of cycles and all ranges of ability are welcome.

Children will be shown how to check their bikes ahead of some skills coaching, followed by two races for two age groups (U8/U10 and U12s).

Certificates will be presented to all participants, and prizes will be awarded to the race winners.

The event at Westfield Primary School will be led by cycling professional and Level 2 cycling coach Eugene Kertzman with the support of SVCC members.

SVCC is certified by British Cycling as a Go-Ride Club able to run Go-Ride events, which means the club is recognised as welcoming all riders, with the resources and commitment to help children get into cycling and support their development as riders.

Places will be offered on a first come, first served basis. Please book your child’s place through Eventbrite for this free event (search

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