2024 AGM

March 4, 2024 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Joliffe Arms
Radstock BA3 5TD

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 4th March 2024 in The Jolliffe Arms, Kilmersdon at 7:30pm.


• Election of officers

Positions required to be filled:
o Chairperson – please see below
o Secretary
o Treasurer

• Apologies

• Election of committee

• Consideration of the last AGM (6th March 2023)

• Honorary membership appointment

The AGM will immediately be followed by the club committee meeting.

All current club members are welcome to attend, to just observe, or vote where applicable (if you have become a member of the committee prior to the AGM). Members can leave the meeting after the AGM, before the club meeting.
A small buffet will be available at the end of both meetings.

Position of Chairperson
After 2 years Steve has expressed that he will be standing down as Club Chairperson at this AGM. We thank Steve for all the work he has done as well as the time he has taken supporting and promoting our club over the last 2 years.

The role of the Chairperson is to manage the club in an efficient and effective manner, while at all times keeping in mind the club constitution. Where required they can give direction and provide guidance whilst remaining focussed on what is best for the Club.

If anyone is interested in stepping into Steve’s position, please email svccclubsec@gmail.com no later than 7 days prior to the AGM, stating why you would like to step into this position, and which member is supporting your application by seconding your interest.
If you would like to find out more, and what it exactly entails, I am sure Steve will be more than happy to speak to anyone regarding this.

Committee Member
What is involved in being on the club committee?

The cycling club committee manage the day to day affairs of the club. It is also where we formalise ideas to help make the club continue being a great organisation to be a member of. The committee meets once a month, and anyone who is a paid-up member is welcome to join, up to a maximum of 12 members (not including President, Secretary and Treasurer).

If you feel that you cannot make the full commitment of being a committee member then you are more than welcome to attend when you can, but you won’t be able to vote.
Committee members occasionally have an additional stated responsibility, for example webmaster and membership secretary.
During the AGM it is customary for votes to be held to fill all positions (including committee membership and officers).

Let the club chairperson or secretary know if you’d like to join the committee, or be put forward for any of the vacant positions above by emailing svccclubsec@gmail.com by 26th February 2024 (7 days prior to the Annual General Meeting). Please also forward any submissions for a club member to be made an honorary member (together with your reasons) by 26th February 2024.

Constitutional amendments to be put to the AGM must be proposed and seconded, and sent to the Secretary to arrive at least 21 days prior to the AGM.

Let the Club Chairperson or Secretary know if you’d like to make any changes to the club constitution by emailing svccclubsec@gmail.com by 12th February 2024 (21 days prior to the Annual General Meeting).

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